Friday, 28 August 2015

The Herne Bay Air Show, and more...

I dare some would question writing about the Herne Bay air show which happened almost a fortnight ago, as old hat. Well, it may be, but it's worth mentioning because of its magnitude and numbers attending; 70K!
Here are just a few pictures of the event; some are mine, but I used a load from Julie Blackmans catalogue. She's good, very very good, and worth looking at.



Luckily a bribe stopped the storm trooper from annihilating me.

The trouble is we have both been busy>
Chris, along with work, recently organised an LGBT disco organised at the Labour club, which was a great success.
"When's then next one?" seemed to be the mantra as he left the building.
Quite a compliment in itself.

LGBT by the way stands for 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender.'
Some people think there ought to be an 'i' on the end to encompass 'inter-sex,' covering those people half way between one thing and another.
Quite frankly I think 'LGBT' is already long enough, but there's always some one trying to push the envelope further..

We've had a couple of dinner do's, (which always seem to occupy the day before to prepare,) along with having two lovely guests stay for a couple of days.
Luckily we had found a bed for one of them to use, only the day before they came!

I'd better explain 'finding' the bed, before anyone thinks they'll never want to step foot in this house again, let alone ever sleep here. Even we have standards!

It was in fact the same base we'd seen on the way back from the club a couple of nights previously, after the disco, commenting to ourselves, 'that won't be there long.'

Walking the dog a few days later, I was surprised to see it still there; a virtually new, tubular metal frame that slotted together, then just screwed into place.

Despite looking clean it still underwent a thorough scrub down and spray with antiseptic spray, then once dry, assembled to make sure it was ok.

With a small mattress we already had, we now have a second guest bed. (though of anyone has a three foot single mattress that needs a home????)

Some what more expensive; we have recently had to contend with builders swathing the house in scaffolding to repair bits of roof and repoint the chimneys; the scaffolding alone cost £400!

Photogenic stuff; scaffolding.
And bloody expensive!
Some thing I did manage to save another small fortune on, has been a bit more painting of the pebbledash above the windows at the front of the house,

Dogs have featured heavily too; August's school holidays, so we look after doggies whose owners don't like kennels.

This is our favourite baby.
In love with him?
You might say, 'just a little.'

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